Which vehicles will be the most stolen in 2023?



What you need to know

Hi, car lovers! Wondering which models will be the most popular with thieves in 2023? Look no further, because we've put together the most interesting details for you. In this article, find out which cars are attracting the attention of thieves, all with a friendly touch.

stolen cars 2023

Watch for our updated list in early 2024.

The stars of the list

1. Top-of-the-range vehicles

It seems that thieves have a soft spot for high-end cars this year. Luxury models and prestigious brands are at the top of the list. They attract attention, whether for their high market value or their tempting technological equipment.

2. Sports cars

Sports cars have always had an undeniable appeal. In 2023They continue to be popular targets for thieves. Their eye-catching appearance and impressive performance make them coveted trophies.

Preventive measures

1. Lock your vehicle

It may seem obvious, but a large number of car thefts occur simply because owners don't lock their vehicles. Get into the habit of always locking your car, even if you're only going away for a minute.

2. Install a security system

A security system can be a deterrent to thieves. Alarms, GPS tracking devices and immobilizers can make your car less attractive to thieves looking for an easy target.


And there you have it, driving enthusiasts beware! The most stolen vehicles of 2023 have one thing in common: they attract attention. To protect your precious means of transport, take simple steps like locking your car and investing in a security system. With these precautions, you can keep smiling while keeping your vehicle safe. So, let's get you on your way to serene, protected driving!

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L'Team 360 General insurance broker
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