Legal insurance



Legal expenses insurance should not be confused with legal assistance.

Consult your home insurance broker about the specifics of your legal insurance.

Legal assistance protects you:

This type of protection only covers legal assistance,

  • It is not intended for the payment of legal fees or expenses.
  • It offers assistance, advice and information.
  • Consultations are usually by telephone and are free of charge. You can use the service as often as you need during the insurance period.
  • Professionals include notaries, lawyers, family mediators, etc.
  • All areas of law are covered, with the exception of criminal and commercial law.
  • Visit INSURANCE COVERAGE may vary from one insurer to another.

legal insurance

Legal expenses insurance protects you according to the contract of the chosen insurer:

  • You've just sold your home, and after a few months, the buyer demands a reduction in the purchase price, claiming to have discovered hidden defects that significantly affect the house.
  • Your neighbor refuses to erect a fence on the party line and you don't know your rights.
  • Your neighbor has carried out major work on his property, and since then water has been pouring into your garden and onto your terrace... You don't know what to do.
  • You're not satisfied with the recent work done on your home, and the contractor hasn't been around.
  • You've just moved in and discovered that the work the landlord was supposed to do on your home hasn't been carried out as promised.
  • Your rental neighbors are extremely noisy and the landlord does not intervene in the situation despite your repeated requests.
  • Your landlord sends you a notice to repossess your dwelling. You wish to contest this notice at the Régie du logement.
  • You are having problems with a buyer who is not fulfilling his obligations following the submission of apurchase on a building.
  • You've just moved into your new condo. The syndicate of co-owners has failed to enforce the declaration of co-ownership.
  • You're being harassed at work and don't know what to do or where to turn.
  • You've been fired and don't understand why, after many years of loyal service to the same employer.
  • You do not accept the decision of the Commission des lésions professionnelles (CLP), which refuses to recognize your work-related accident.
  • After being compensated for a few months by the CSST, the latter considers you fit to return to work and stops paying benefits even though your doctor disagrees.
  • You become disabled, but neither your employer, the Régie des rentes nor your disability insurer recognize the illness you have, and no income is paid to you during your months-long convalescence.
  • The SAAQ considers that your back pain is not related to your car accident and yet you can't go back to work under these conditions.
  • You have an accident while descending the icy, unkempt stairs of a restaurant. You want to claim your loss of income during the six months it took you to recover.
  • You've just bought a motorhome and before you leave for your annual vacation, it won't start... You've been sold a lemon and the mechanic is demanding thousands of dollars in repair costs.
  • Your identity has been stolen and you're facing a host of problems. You don't know how to protect your rights and would like to consult a legal advisor.
  • The heat pump system you've been sold doesn't suit the style of home you have, and you want to cancel the contract.
  • Professionals include notaries, lawyers, etc.
  • Exclusions(not covered) in legal expenses insurance include:
  • Matrimonial disputes such as divorce, alimony, child custody etc...
  • Penal and criminal law.

legal assistance

Special cases in legal insurance

  • Cases already entrusted to a professional
  • Cases involving the insured and the insurer
  • Cases eligible for legal aid
  • L'legal expenses insurance is presented as a complement to an insurance contract.
  • Legal expenses insurance provides for maximum legal services (hourly rate) and a maximum consultation period.
  • It's important to check with your broker or agent. Annual premiums vary from 25.$ to 75.$, depending on the insurer. Insurance coverage may vary from one insurer to another.

Why legal insurance, Assur360?

If you need to find a lawyer and don't want to constantly worry about how much you're being charged, then Assur360 broker legal insurance is the product for you!

Legal insurance can put you in touch with a lawyer quickly and easily. Depending on the situation, it also guarantees you compensation if your case is resolved by a court of law. Your insurance broker's legal insurance gives you the right tools to protect yourself against any legal problem!

Claude St-Hilaire teacher in insurance damage.

Sources: Autorité des marchés financiers(AMF)
The Quebec Bar
To find out more, visit the following websites: or your general insurance broker, Assur360.

What is legal expenses insurance?

Legal expenses insurance is a type of insurance policy that covers legal expenses incurred by the insured in litigation or legal proceedings. This may include lawyers' fees, court costs, legal expenses, etc. costs of legal expertsand sometimes even the opposing costs if the court decision so requires.

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L'Team 360 General insurance broker
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