Why an electric vehicle?
Consumers are increasingly choosing to buy electric vehicles for a variety of reasons, including fuel savings and the appeal of environmentally-friendly features. To determine whether an electric vehicle is the best choice for you, you'll need to consider how buying an electric vehicle differs from buying a combustion-powered car. One of these differences is theinsuranceIt will be important for you to understand how best to insure an electric vehicle.
Electric car insurance in Quebec
Tesla has set a trend with electric cars, and we want to follow suit by offering suitable electric vehicle insurance. This protection allows you to save on both electric vehicle and home when combined. Find out more about electric vehicle insurance. TeslaNIO and other electric vehicles on our blog.

What is electric car insurance?
If you already own an electric vehicle, want to buy one or are thinking of making the switch, the electric vehicle insurance plan on offer is the best place to start. We have partnered with insurers to provide the best car insurance plan for all electric vehicles on the road.

Electric vehicles are more complicated than their gasoline counterparts in terms of technology, charging and battery power. Electric vehicles are becoming very popular and increasingly commonplace, but in insurance terms they are considered a niche product. More and more insurance companies are beginning to recognize the characteristics of electric vehicles. greater safety for electric vehicles and adjust their prices to reflect this.
How insurance rates for hybrid and electric vehicles are determined
When insurance companies determine auto insurance rates, many different factors are taken into account. Where you live, your driving history and your claims history are all things the insurance company will take into account. Here are some of the things the car insurance company will take into consideration:
The cost of repairs
This is something that insurance companies consider for all types of vehicles. This may be a greater consideration for hybrid and EV cars. That's because parts can be much harder to repair.
How you use the vehicle
Your insurance broker in Quebec will ask you how you use your vehicle: is it for pleasure or for work? How often do you drive? How many kilometers is your daily commute? These are all important factors in determining your rate.
How can I save on electric car insurance?
If you decide to buy an electric vehicle, you can save on insurance in the same way as conventional car owners, by avoiding accidents and traffic violations. If you already have an electric car and are curious to find more affordable rates, consider requesting quotes from several insurers through your broker Assur360. You may be able to get a better price by switching insurance companies in collaboration with a property and casualty insurance broker.
You can also take advantage of discount programs. Insurers offer all kinds of discounts for purchasing multiple policies, insuring more than one vehicle, having no claims and participating in a defensive driving course, among others.
Also research local, Canadian and Quebec programs that offer rebates or tax credits for owning an electric vehicle. The federal government offers significant tax credits for the purchase of certain makes and models of electric cars. Your broker remains your best reference for saving on your insurance.
Coverage required for electric car insurance
Car insurance for electric vehicles is similar to traditional car insurance, but there are some differences to consider. First of all, it's important to check whether your insurer offers coverage for electric vehicles. Electric vehicles present different risks, such as potentially higher costs for spare parts or repair costs. Car insurance for electric vehicles may also include cover for the cost of recharging the battery in the event of a breakdown. In addition, it's important to check the exclusions and restrictions associated with car insurance for electric vehicles, such as the distance limit for recharging or the maximum duration of coverage in the event of a breakdown. It's a good idea to talk to your broker insurance to understand the options available for electric vehicles and choose the one that best suits your needs.
How much does electric car insurance cost?
The cost of electric car insurance can vary depending on a number of factors. Here are a few things to consider when determining the price of electric car insurance:
- Car value : Electric cars often have a higher initial cost than cars with internal combustion engines. Since the replacement cost is higher, insurance can also be higher.
- Safety features : Electric cars are often equipped with advanced safety technologies, such as driver assistance systems. These features can lead to lower insurance costs to reduce the risk of accidents.
- Repairs and maintenance : Repair costs for electric vehicles may differ from those for conventional vehicles. Some insurers adjust their rates accordingly.
- Battery life : Battery capacity and range can also influence the cost of insurance. Electric cars with a longer range can be more expensive to insure because of the high cost of battery replacement.
- Driving experience : If insurers find that car drivers Electricians tend to be more cautious or have fewer accidents, and this can influence rates.
- Geographical location: Where you live can also affect the cost of insurance. Areas with a higher risk of theft or accidents can result in higher premiums.
- Government incentives : Some places offer incentives or tax breaks for electric car drivers. Some insurers may take these incentives into account when setting rates.
It's advisable to compare quotes from different insurers to get an accurate estimate of the cost of insurance for your specific electric car. Rates can vary considerably depending on these factors and the specific policies of each insurance company.