Do you have a housing claim frequency problem?
Some people are very lucky, while others are much less so. For the latter, they may encounter different types of incidents on a daily basis, such as theft, vandalism, water damage, sewer back-up, fire or other worries. It's not just the loss itself that's the problem, but sometimes the frequency of claims for a dwelling, condo or house that are close together can result in a refusal by the insurer. In some cases, the policyholder's request for renewal is rejected, and in others, the home insurance contract is cancelled.

Solution to the problem of multiple claims
In this type of case, it's time to look elsewhere for a solution, with specialized insurers in particular, until the customer's situation has been regularized. It's a good idea to enlist the help of a broker to find the best solution. best residential coverage possible at a very competitive price.
Once the insured is back to normal, the broker can help him or her obtain an attractive offer from a regular insurer on advantageous terms. It's time to get support from Assur360, specialists in hard-to-insure risks.