An auto insurance broker in Quebec or Saint-Jean-Chrysostome can help you find auto insurance. He or she works to understand your coverage needs, then finds the most appropriate option. Often, they also sell home insurance and other types of coverage.
The broker doesn't decide what price you pay. insurance company who takes care of this. But they can find ways to help you save money, for example by checking out possible discounts.
All car insurance must meet your province's licensing requirements in order to sell policies. Maintaining and enforcing qualifications and licenses protects the interests of consumers and the insurance industry as a whole.
Since each province has different insurance laws, licensing requirements may vary.
When you purchase a policy from an agent or car insurance brokerthe latter receives a commission. This commission is generally a percentage of the price you pay for coverage, which is already included in the cost. In other words, working with a home insurance broker, business or car will have no impact on the cost of your insurance.
In some cases, boat insurance brokers, snowmobile or company can also charge fees for their services. They can do so as long as provincial law permits. When deciding whether you want to work with a broker insurance, you will need to take these costs into account from the outset, as they could increase the cost of your damage insurance.