Everything you need to know about sugar bush insurance


reinventing agriculture

Maple Syrup Insurance

Maple grove insurance is part of the agricultural insurance package. This type of insurance coverage is intended for farmers and landowners involved in maple syrup production.

When we talk about a maple grove, we have to consider the whole thing as a property in its own right. In other words, consider the sugar bush as a piece of land. This makes it easier to understand how insurance coverage applies, and how to apply for it.

To find out all you need to know about sugar bush insurance, contact professionals such as insurance broker Assur360. They are the best answers to all your questions about taking out a maple syrup insurance policy, and agricultural insurance in general. However, it is possible to consider a few interesting points.

sugar bush insurer

Agricultural multi-risk insurance

It may come as a surprise, but a sugar bush can be insured with comprehensive farm insurance. This policy covers damage to the entire farm. This includes the sugar bush's infrastructure, also known as the sugar shack. Since comprehensive insurance covers the entire farm, the sugar bush is a logical extension. In fact, the insurance contract in question mentions farm furniture and equipment.

It's also important to understand that the sugar bush is a manufacturing unit in its own right. For this reason, it is necessary to consider production as an object of insurance coverage. Insurance cover can then be requested in the event of fire, explosion or even lightning strike. The same applies to for climatic contingencies such as storms, hail or the weight of snow on the roof.

insured a sugar shack

Civil liability

This is one of the basic services offered by a insurance broker in Quebec to its customer. The operator of a sugar bush can benefit from it. In fact, third-party liability insurance is recommended when taking out sugar bush insurance. The insurance premium can help in the event of professional negligence or accidents that result in criminal prosecution.


This insurance coverage is necessary when other people are employed at the sugar bush. As far as the owner is concerned, it's better for employees to have insurance cover, so they have something to fall back on in the event of a problem. Of course, whether or not you take out insurance depends on your needs. To recognize them, the right thing to do is to make an inventory of the business. This means taking stock of the overall value of the sugar bush, the number of people employed and the production process. This will help you determine whether or not sugar bush insurance is necessary.


Provident insurance covers daily allowances. It is particularly recommended for farmers, although it is optional. However, this insurance policy is very useful if the sugar bush is the only source of income. It is designed to protect against all life's hazards, such as medical expenses, incapacity and disability. In other words, it's a way of maintaining your standard of living if you find yourself unable to work.

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L'Team 360 General insurance broker
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