The benchmark for insurance in Quebec.
An insurance policy is essentially a contract between you and your insurance company - it defines what is covered, what is not, and other details of your agreement.
What is an insurance policy?
An insurance policy, also known as a contract of adhesion because you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the contract, is an agreement between you and your insurer describing the coverage they will provide to you, others in the policy, your business and your place.
Once you've purchased and paid for your policy, you'll receive your personalized insurance policy in your mailbox or, in some cases, in your e-mail inbox. Open it and you'll see all the ins and outs of your insurance contract.
An "insurer" refers to the company that provides you with financial coverage for unforeseen and unpredictable events covered by your renter's insurance or homeowner's policy.
What are insurers doing?
Insurers are there to create insurance quotes, sell policies, process claims filed by policyholders and provide coverage in the form of financial compensation if necessary.