2nd chance car insurance



We've got a solution for you!

Auto insurance solutions in Quebec

Have you been turned down by your insurer?

You have a criminal record ? Have you lost your license? Drink-driving, too many demerit points, too many claims, refusal to take a breathalyzer test, speeding...

Insurance following loss of license or criminal record, we offer 2e chance auto insurance solutions.

There are a multitude of reasons for your refused by an insurer.

Some of our insurers specialize in insure yourself when it's difficult!

Assur360 specializes in difficult risks to insure.

Call us at 1-866-350-9763 #1 to find out more about the Solution360 program!

refused by insurer

Important tips for getting cheap insurance for a bad driving record

Find companies that provide cheap car insurance with a poor insurance record can be a very difficult task, as traditional insurers are not necessarily prepared to take the risk of working with drivers who have a high probability of filing claims. However, that doesn't mean you can't get car insurance coverage If you have a bad driving record with Assur360, you'll save a lot of money if you know how to get it. To do so, it's best to follow some important guidelines mentioned below.

Use of online tenders

The Internet can be a good place to find insurers who specialize in providing cheaper car insurance for bad driving histories.

Choose the right type of car

The make, model and type of car to be insured could invariably affect your ability to get cheap car insurance with a bad driving record. As a result, older, cheaper used cars will require less money to insure.

Have you been refused or cancelled by one or more insurers? Our insurance brokers can help.

Contact our brokers now.

Will my car insurance decrease if my credit improves?

If your credit rating has improved since you have taken out a insurance policy, you may see a reduction in your premium. This will probably happen when your policy comes up for renewal, since that's when your company will reassess your credit. However, if your credit rating has improved considerably and you don't want to wait for your policy renewal, you can ask your insurance company to reassess your credit. Not all companies can do this, but if your company, like Intact Insurance for example, has the ability to do so, and your credit has improved, you could benefit from a premium reduction without having to wait for your policy to be renewed.

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